
School Leavers Career Advice

We are here to help.

Career Planning for School leavers

Apprenticeship Opportunities

Interest Inventory

Occupational Ability Testing

Mechanical Ability Testing

Technical Ability Testing

Interview preparation

Industry Ready

Work Experience

Future Planning

Develop Plan

Work Experience / Internship:

Apprenticeship Opportunities:

There are and will be up to 77 apprenticeships by the end of 2020 and up to level 10 qualification, there will be a big shift is happening around apprenticeships. The idea is to model the business to student learning in college/office/site. 
There are a wide range of apprenticeships now in areas like Finance, Accounting, Quantity Surveying etc lots of choices that will teach your profession in a dual manor with some time in college and some time back with the employer doing the job.
Learning the theory and then putting the theory into practice as you learn.

Interest Inventory:

Do you know what kinds of jobs/subjects you would be good at? If not an interest inventory is a great way to give you the answers.
This test will help you understand what types of careers/subjects you will enjoy and be successful in. Interest based career testing determines what you are interested in doing, then matched with your personality profile and ability testing you will discover what you are passionate about.

Occupational Ability Testing:

Do you know what your strength abilities are? When making a decision about your future it is very valuable to know what your ability strengths are by taking the ability testing.
Ability tests include numerical, verbal and logical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and the ability to identify mistakes accurately. Combining the three tests will give you a very good picture about what career choices/college courses will suit you best.  

Mechanical Ability Testing:

Ability tests include numerical, abstract and logical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and the ability to identify mistakes accurately. Combining the three tests will give you a very good picture about what career choices will suit you best.

Technical Ability Testing:

Ability tests include numerical, abstract and logical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and the ability to identify mistakes accurately. Combining the three tests will give you a very good picture about what career choices will suit you best.

Future Planning & Goals:

How do you want to contribute to the world? Who do you want to be? Do you want to work abroad or in Ireland? Lots of questions firstly it helps to have some answers to start with. By knowing your own strengths this information can begin the journey of planning and goals.
Do you know enough about careers that are a good strength fit for you? How do you go about getting work experience? Putting all of the questions in a plan helps you to start a process that will include goals and steps you need to put in place to achieve those goals.  

Industry Ready: 

There are a number of PLC and access programmes available, they will help you to become industry ready with knowledge of your strengths and abilities. 
Do you know which area of Industry/Institution you would like to go into. So you’re ready to rock and certainly the industry is ready to take you in.
This is a time to make sure you are industry ready and have all your ducks in a row before walking through the door on the first day. Ensure you understand the structures of the company/institution and who does what.
Do some networking beforehand and get to know the values and cultures in the areas. Getting to grips with software or systems used by YouTube will tell you everything and give you introductions on anything, it means you’re not going in blind. This is an exciting and challenging time. It’s a big change but an opportunity to create your own life and future.

Work Experience:

Try to get some work experience in the general area you would like to go into so you have an idea of what the career looks and feels like. This helps you to investigate the environment and how the business works. 

Interview preparation:

As the person previously on the other side of the desk at interview for a number of years my perception was always those who prepared performed the best at interview. It’s a time when you are nervous and can forget to point out your strengths and showcase your personality and interests.
Bring your notes, read them before the interview, know about the company, do your research, know what kind of business it is and who they cater for.
Take notes from the business profile, its core values and what it is striving to achieve, if this aligns with your values and you believe in what it’s striving towards. Present yourself well but be comfortable in how you feel. Everyone expects you to be nervous this can be a good thing. It means you care. 
Most interviewers will put you at ease, they want to achieve the best interview possible for you to showcase yourself. Remember they want to hire it’s up to you to present yourself as the only option.

Develop Plan:

Using your goals you can map out a plan on paper or electronically but somewhere you can go back to and add to. Put a plan together in steps of actions that you are going to take to achieve your plans and goals. 

By putting a plan together and writing it down on paper or notes on your phone you are making a contract with yourself for your future, it can change of course but it helps to keep track of  the plan and stay the course.

Work Experience / Internship:

When it comes to work experience/internship it’s your opportunity to get your feet wet in the industry you are looking to break into. Try to get some work experience in the general area you would like to go into so you have an idea of what the career looks and feels like. This helps you to investigate the environment and how the business works.
This is a great opportunity to try out the career and also you get to ask questions about the role from people who do the job.  Do some great networking for your future. This is your chance to showcase you and your strengths.  
When stepping away you will have a much stronger C.V. and work experience to show your ability.
“The only goal you can’t accomplish is the one that you don’t go after!”
Vilis Ozols


What are your goals? Where do you want to go? What career dream do you have?
Make a mind map/excel sheet/phone notes anything that you can put your goals and dreams down and you can go back to. Make a diary reminder to look at the notes regularly to ensure you are working towards them.

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